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Honeywell HERMetic Deck Valve A-4-2-1 SS TS 98172

Honeywell HERMetic Deck Valve A-4-2-1 SS TS 98172

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This valve has been specifically designed so that all the HERMetic equipment, with either 1”, 2”, or 4” connections, will be compatible.Organisations such as the American Petroleum Institute and the EnergyInstitute, recommend the size of the vapour valve to be 4” (100mm).

Model: Honeywell HERMetic Deck Valve A-4-2-1 SS

Brands: Honeywell

SKU: TS 98172

Category: Vapour lock valves

Honeywell HERMetic Deck Valve A-4-2-1 SS TS 98172
Honeywell HERMetic Deck Valve A-4-2-1 SS TS 98172

This valve has been specifically designed so that all the HERMetic equipment, with either 1”, 2”, or 4” connections, will be compatible.Organisations such as the American Petroleum Institute and the EnergyInstitute, recommend the size of the vapour valve to be 4” (100mm). The4” valve will allow access to a larger number of gauging and sampling equipment than ever before, depending on the product and sample type required. Vapour valves smaller than 100mm in diameter are suitable forgauging but can severely limit the type of sampling equipment that can beused and, ultimately, the quality of the sample. The size and location of thevapour valve for closed system measurement and sampling is critical tothe process. A valve of the proper size, located correctly, will allow moreaccurate measurements to be taken than one that is improperly located andof insufficient size. The new multi-purpose valve gives the flexibility to gaugeproducts from crude to chemicals. Most importantly, it will allow the use ofsampling equipment with the capabilities of retrieving sample quantities from0.33 litres to 1.8 litres in one single operation.
Weight: 25 kg
Materials: Stainless steel AISI 316, PTFE seats

HERMetic Compact Valves for connection of portable HERMeticequipment.The HERMetic Compact valves are specially designed to fit all portableHERMetic equipment with a HERMetic quick connector and represent thebase for the zero-ullage reference when installed at the appropriate height.They ensure a safe and reliable operation of all portable HERMetic unitscertified for use in classified areas. The valves are available in three differentsizes: 1 Inch, 2 Inch and 4 Inch. 

What Is It?
HERMetic 1-inch compact valve:It's available in two variants:
· HERMetic Compact Valves C1-SS-W (with 1-inch male BSP pipe thread)
· HERMetic Compact Valves C1-SS-P (with a special pressure cap cover designed for use with hazardous chemicals)

HERMetic 2-inch valve:Made of corrosion-resistant stainless steel with high Molybdenum content and available with female thread or DUJ multi-standard flange, it is available in three variants:
· HERMetic Compact Valves C2-SS-BL (blind cover)
· HERMetic Compact Valves C2-SS-W (cover fitted with a 1-inch quick-connect nipple)
· HERMetic Compact Valves C2-SS-SEC (doubly-locked security cover)

HERMetic 4-inch valves:These are available in two variants:
· Deck Valve A-4 SS: This stainless steel AISI 316 valve comes with Teflon gaskets and a swing away cover fitted with a 1-inch quick connect male coupling.
· HERMetic Deck Valve A-4-2-1 SS: For use with all HERMetic equipment with 1-inch, 2-inch, and 4-inch connections.

How Does It Work?
HERMetic valves are available in 1-inch, 2-inch and 4-inch sizes, depending on the equipment to be fitted on the valves. The top part of the valve is designed to support all HERMetic gauging and sampling equipment with a 1-inch, 2-inch or 4-inch connection.

What Problems Does It Solve?
Honeywell’s HERMetic valves are the interface between the tank and the gauging or sampling equipment. They ensure proper connection of the units and prevent any gas release from the tank during gauging and sampling operation.
  • Level gauge
  • Sampler
  • Vapour lock valves
  • Thermometer
  • Densitymeter
  • Accessories